html, body { height: 100%; } .x-nlg .kta-nav-vertical{ } .x-nav.kta-nav-vertical{ } .kta-nav-vertical .x-treelist-row { } .kta-nav-vertical .x-treelist-item-text { } hr { border: 0 !important; background-color: #EFEFF6 !important; color: #EFEFF6 ; } .theme-cell-style { background-color: inherit !important; } .kofax-header1{font-size:20px; } .kofax-header2{font-size:16px; } .kofax-header3{font-size:14px; } .kofax-header4{font-size:12px; } .kofax-header5{font-size:10px; } .kofax-header6{font-size:8px; } /*Set styles required to acheive UX Style Guide*/ /*Required to set desktop active tab as per UX Guide*/ .kta-tab .x-tab-active{ border-top: 3px #1c64b4 solid; border-bottom: none; border-left: 1px #CBCBCB solid !important; border-right: 1px #CBCBCB solid !important; } /*tab control background color has to be white as per UX Guide*/ .kta-tab .kta-tab-body { background-color: #ffffff; } /*tab control inner panel background color has to be white as per UX Guide*/ .kta-tab .kta-tab-body .x-panel-body { background-color: #ffffff; } /*table control background color has to be white as per UX Guide*/ .kta-table-body { background-color:#ffffff; } /*action button control background color and border has to be none as per UX Guide*/ .kta-action-button .x-inner-el { background:none; border:none; } /*Required to set Mobile tab as per UX guide*/ .kta-mobile-tab .x-active .x-inner-el{ border-top: 3px #1c64b4 solid; border-bottom: none; border-left: 1px #CBCBCB solid !important; border-right: 1px #CBCBCB solid !important; } /* To maintain the selected item color for query tree selected item */ .Querytreelist .x-treelist-item-selected:not(.x-treelist-item-expandable) { border-left-width: 4px; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: #0064be; } /* To maintain the selected item text for query tree selected item */ .Querytreelist .x-treelist-item-selected:not(.x-treelist-item-expandable) .x-treelist-item-text { color: #0064be; margin-left: 29px; } /* To apply icon color to black for Wq and joblist toolbar */ .ktatoolbar .x-btn-icon-el-default-toolbar-small { color: black; } .ktatoolbar .x-btn-inner { color: black; } .HorizontalRule { background-color: #EFEFF6; color: #EFEFF6; border: 0; } .WorkspaceCell { background-color: inherit; } /* This a predefined css class name which doesn't have any styles by itself, instead it just indicates the deployer to not apply the navigation menu ui(i.e keep the original style, currently grey background) Currently, the workspace package has the vertical navigation menu css class mapped with this to achieve the grey background. */ .SecondaryMenu { }